Team Hamilton wins 2016 Canadian Property Stars Driveway Sealing A championship

For eight days, the best driveway sealers from four C.P.S. locations across Ontario provided a professional driveway sealing service for hundreds of homeowners.
Dozens of C.P.S. contractors sealed driveways in cities like Kitchener, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Scarborough, and Markham for this year’s All-star championship.
Ben Stewart, CEO of Canadian Property Stars, believes having a driveway sealing All-star championship every year keeps his employees driven.
“The purpose of All-star is to bring the best of the best, from across the province, to compete with the intent to establish who has the strongest team,” Stewart said. “To learn and be pushed by each other to elevate everyone’s results.”

While Team Hamilton took home the A championship, Team Scarborough captured the B championship trophy.
“For the first time in All-star championship history, there was a dead tie in the B championship numbers,” Stewart said on the final day. “Thankfully, it was for second.”
2016 A championship results:
1. Team Hamilton
2. Team GTA
3. Team White Bread

2016 B championship results:
1. Team Scarborough
T2. Team Hamilton
T2. Team Mississauga
4. Team Ottawa
When C.P.S. contractors are in the neighbourhood, more homeowners are eligible for amazing discounts or additional driveway maintenance for a lower price.

The contractors remove weeds and grass, sweep and blow off the driveway, fill foundation cracks, and spray a thick layer of Black Mack tar. This product’s contents are 99 per cent tar.
CEO Ben Stewart was impressed by Team Hamilton’s results in the A championship.
“The best team won,” Stewart said. “Hamilton consistently performed better than the rest and deserved the title this year.”
Due to the large number of driveways that require service, the C.P.S. driveway sealing season has been extended until the month of October. Visit or call 1-866-912-5296 for more information.
Written by: Tyler McMurter